December 18, 2024
New Discussions, Projects, or Initiatives
- Data Governance information
- NECCi and NECC One
Standing Updates
- ZogoTech Outstanding Ticket/Enhancement Cleanup + HEIRS Data Element Additions
- IT Update
- IT Directory Cleanup
- SoftDocs Update
- Cybersecurity Training
- Banner Users Group
- Financial Value Transparency & Gainful Employment Act (FVT GE Act)
- LLL EE (Formerly Destiny One)/Noncredit Update
Ad-Hoc Group Updates
- HR Data Cleanup
- Texting Regulations and Policies related to multiple systems and opt-outs
- Staffing Updates
- NECHE 5-Year Interim Reporting
- AI Task Force
- Pre-requisite Cleanup
- Secure Data Sharing and Transfer Practices/Policy
- Veteran Affairs Data Cleanup
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